After the leadership council with president we were sent out to teach and apply what we had learned with our zones. We held our zone conference on Wednesday and instructed our missionaries on what our president had taught us. It went very well and was very successful! Wednesday night the branch here gave me a farewell party in the chapel. They set up tables and tied balloons to all of the chairs as we all sat and gathered around together. It was quite the turnout. Just about the entire branch came! We had a little dinner and the members thanked me for my love and service. I am so grateful for them, they are such great people!
On Sunday we were able to attend the tempe dedication of the Mexico Tijuana temple that was broadcasted in Tuxtla at our stake center. It was such a beautiful service! President Uctdorf spoke along with Gordon B. Hinkley's son who is the president of the Tijuana temple and his wife. The spirit was so strong! It was such a great experience and I am so grateful for the opportunity I had to be a part of it! We have been working so hard this week and I have been loving every minute of it! I think that one of my favorite days this week was the day that we taught 11 lessons! It was a great day and a record broken for the most lessons taught in one day:) Being a missionary is the best!
I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Love, Hermana Paini