This week was great! Though we weren't able to work in our area very much for meetings we had in Tuxtla, we were able to witness several miracles and serve the Lord.

This week was so full of learning experiences for me and I loved it. We had the privelege of attending leadership mission council as leaders in our zone and were able to learn from other leaders in the mission as well as our mission president. It was very inspiring! We were also able to train the missionaries in our zone in another meeting we had and it was a great experience. I can always know that the spirit is present when I feel like I am the one learning while I am teaching.
I have come to a greater understanding this week of
how important the spirit truly is in this marvelous work! There have been so many times where the words given to me only by the spirit. I am learning to trust in the Lord more and more each day and trust in his hands to help us do
His work.
I love each day here in the mission, the hard ones as well as those that bring peace. I am learning to enjoy
every moment here and I want to make the most of every minute of every day that I have left!

My companion is getting transferred to some place called Idaho... She has finished the mission and is returning home. Though I will miss her very much I know I will see her again soon which brings peace. After the mission we are both going to go to BYU and have
lots of plans to keep us busy:). My new companion is Hermana Marinez and I will get to meet her tomorrow. I know I will love her and I am excited to work
hard together this transfer!
I love you all and I hope you have a
great week!
Choose to make it great and it will be!
Love, Hermana Paini
We decided to sleep on the roof one night!
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