This week was so great! The good new is that we currently have so many investigators, the bad news is that there is not enough time in the day to teach them all. But it's a good thing, it keeps us busy :)
I am so convinced that missionary time moves at a different pace than normal life! The weeks feel like days and months feel like weeks. I have never felt so dis-oriented time-wise before. If it weren't for my planner and calendar I would be completely lost as far as what day, month and year we are in. According to my calendar this Wednesday I will complete 8 months in the mission. I honestly can't even wrap my mind around that and am in denial of it. I refuse to believe it is true.

Anyways, this past week (which seemed like all of about 24 hours) was really great! On Friday we had our semi-annual zone activity. We went to a place called Tonina to explore pyramids and ruins. We woke up at 4:30 in the morning and met at the chapel. We loaded up in a combi and set off for a 3 hour ride to Tonina. Once we arrived we were informed that the other zone's bus had broken down so we would have to wait awhile while they called another bus to pick them up. We ended up waiting for 5 hours for the other bus and the mission president to arrive. While waiting we played games like Charades to pass the time. It was a lot of fun. Once everyone all arrived we were able to enter. The pyramids and all the ruins were so beautiful. There were mountains of tall pyramids we were able to walk up and on the top we could see all around over the city.

The Lord knows us. He knows our hearts, our thoughts, and our deepest desires. He will help us in every aspect and decision in our lives. All we have to do is ask.
Hermana Peine