This week was great! We were this close l_l to having emergency transfers...but we didn't end up having them after all which is awesome, I didn't even feel close to leaving this area after being here for all of a week and a half!
Yesterday we had our ward conference, it was way good. Hermana Guerrerro and I sang in the ward choir, it was a lot of fun. We did however have quite the surprise! We practiced with the choir Saturday night but had to leave a few minutes early for an appointment. As we arrived Sunday morning to take our seats with the choir we walked in to see the entire choir dressed in red and black....apparently everyone got that memo except for us! As we took our seats with the choir we looked around us and realized we stood out like sore thumbs, me in my peach dress and my companion with her blue and white. Looking back on it now we should have taken a picture, we looked pretty funny!

It really was such a great week. Though we do like to have fun and goof off sometimes, the best part of every day is the spirit we can feel. The spirit is so close to us here in the mission doing the Lord's work. I can feel it strongly every day as we are truly lead and guided by it in every aspect.
The biggest blessing has been to see how the spirit works in the hearts of those who we teach. There is a family who we are teaching who was falling apart when we first found them and started teaching them. They were unhappy, facing several problems and about to get a divorce. But as we started teaching them and the gospel came into their lives they began to change. We made a goal with them as a family to prepare for a baptismal date for March 7th. Since then they have started praying, reading the Book of Mormon, coming to church and sitting together as a family. It is such a blessing to see how the gospel has helped their family heal. They still have problems and are facing challenges but are better able to cope with them with the gospel. Their home has a different atmosphere than it did before and they are happier. Each day we get to see as they progress makes every challenge and hard thing we face worth it. I feel as the scripture in 3 Nephi 24:10 says, "os barite las ventanas de los ciebs, y derramare sobre vasotros una benediction tal que no hays dance contenerla." (I will pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.)
Love, Hermana Peine
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