I hope you all had a great week and a great valentines day. I forgot it was Valentines day, but celebrated it with my companion by serving the Lord :)

This week was so good! The funny experience of the week happened when a dog tried to attack us. We were on our way to a lesson when a dog suddenly came tearing our of the bushes. As it came running at us growling I did as my father had taught me to do and bent down and picked up a handful of rocks. My companion (who is terrified of dogs) stood frozen in fear thinking that for sure the dog was going to eat us. I took my stance and lifted my fist full of rocks in the air while the dog and I had a stand off. As it came closer and closer growling and barking at us I held my stance and began throwing rocks at it. The dog quickly turned around and took off running. My companion was astonished that I would do such a thing. She said she has never seen me like that before and didn't know I was capable of doing such. She spent the entire rest of the day mimicking me in my stance with a fist full of rocks high over my head and has now told the entire ward about it. It was quite the event, we still laugh about it daily:)

On Saturday we had the wonderful opportunity of going to the temple, our ward mission leader was married and sealed to his wife and our mission president gave us permission to attend their sealing. It was my first time going to the temple in the mission field and I was so excited.
We woke up at 4:00 a.m. Saturday morning and met at the church with all those who were going to the temple. 14 were signed up to go but 18 ended up showing up. So we loaded all of us in a mini van called a combi and headed off for the temple. It was a 3 hour ride piled on top of each other. But it was all worth it once we got to the temple.

It was such a beautiful experience to be able to go to the temple as a missionary. I felt so much closer to the spirit than I ever have before and enjoyed every minute of it. It was a beautiful sealing and I was so grateful for the chance I had to be a part of it.
This week really made me think about how important the temple is and how easy it is to take if for granted. After not being able to go for 6 months I was so grateful for the opportunity to attend. The temple truly is the Lord's house and there is such a special peace inside of it that can't be found anywhere else in this world.

Love, Hermana Peine
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