Well, back to the 4 ft long bed/couch this week! My companion got food poisoning so it was back to the hospital this week. The good news is that it is starting to feel more like home every time. I now know where everything is and the names of each of the doctors and nurses. :)
Our ward mission leader and his wife went out to eat with a couple who are ward missionaries and their son, Daniel. After eating they brought a couple of plates of food home for us so we could it it for dinner. However, it was shrimp that they gave us, which is something I have never been too fond of. My companion however, LOVES it so I let her eat it all. The next day when we went to correlation with the couple who are ward missionaries and our ward mission leader everyone was sick! They all said they felt horrible. Later that night my companion started feeling sick as well. We went back to the house and she progressively got worse! She was non stop throwing up and spending all of her time in the bathroom. We took her to the hospital clinic and they hospitalized her overnight hooking her up to an IV and injecting antibiotics. After about 24 hours she felt much better so we were able to go back home.
The more time I spend in the mission the more I think about how the mission prepares us to be parents. I am learning how to love and care for someone else, clean up someone else's throw up, and being able to put emotions of being tired and hungry away in order to dedicate all of my time to helping someone else. It's a beautiful thing all that can be learned in the mission!
This week was so great and I wouldn't trade it for the world! We saw so many miracles and were able to witness on a greater level the Lord's hand in our lives.
I love you all and hope you have a wonderful week!
Love, hermana Paini
Blistered feet breaking in the new shoes!