On Thursday we had our semi-annual mission activity. It was a lot of fun! We went and hiked down 720 stairs to some giant waterfalls. We played volleyball on the side of the river, took pictures and had lots of fun! After the trip back up the stair path we were all pretty exhausted, but it was all worth it. My companion and I did a comparison of what seemed to be the never ending path of stairs with the gospel principle endure to the end. It was a beautiful and very rewarding experience!
Saturday was a long awaited for day! After 3-4 months of waiting for this day Hermana Flor's baptism day finally happened! It was such a beautiful day! Hermana Monjaras and I sang in her baptismal service and it was an experience I will never forget. We sang, "If the Savior Stood Beside Me," singing half of it in English and the other half in Spanish. As we were singing I looked up at Hermana Flor as her eyes filled with tears. She smiled at me as tears ran down her face. As we proceeded to her baptismal service I asked her how she felt and she said she was so happy and that this was a day she had dreamt about and waited for for so long. She looked like an angel in her white dress and was glowing all around. After she was baptized she bore her testimony to end the service. She has such a strong, powerful testimony, you can see it in her eyes and hear it in her voice that she really knows without any doubt that this church is true. She is such a great example to me and I have learned so much from her!
We moved to a new house this week and it is great! We live in the same privada apartments as a great family that are members. The best part is that the wáter doesn`t have a color.. it is clear! It doesn`t have a smell either which is also a good sign. I took a shower this week and felt like it was the first time I was actually CLEAN in 3 transfers. It was a great experience :)
I love you all so much and I hope you have a great week.
Love, Hermana Paini
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