This week was truly a week of miracles! This week my testimony was renewed of how much the Lord Loves and is looking out for his missionaries. My testimony was also strengthened how according to our faithfulness and obedience we are able to see miracles in the mission field.
One of the many miracles the Lord gave us this week was a tree full of mangos. As it is near the end of the month we don't have much money to buy food, but the Lord always provides a way!
There are several other miracles that happened this week but there is neither time or room sufficient to write them all. But the Lord is looking out for us. This is his work and he is the master of his vineyard. I am so grateful to be a part of this marvelous work! I love you all. Have a great week!
Love, Hermana Peine
This is where I ate lunch today. |
Me with the Mexican Band |