This week was so great, but holy cow is it HOT! here in my new area! There is no shade here. We both got fried by the sun this past week (I'll send pictures) But I sure love it here!
This week's funny experience happened when I shut the bathroom door and felt a clammy 4 legged creature fall on my hand. I looked down to see a big clear/transparent lizard looking up at me. I yelled and shook it off. My companion came running and asked me if everything was o.k. I explained what had happened and we both laughed about it for awhile.
We live in a little apartment with 2 stories. The tap water comes directly from a river. We shower with a little hose in the bathroom every morning.
The members here are great. Though the ward is very small there are several less actives we will be working with to reactivate. The ward welcomed me in my first Sunday here by asking me to speak when the speaker that was assigned didn't show up. So I gave a talk about prayer. I think it was the first talk I have given in my mission that everyone understood me. So that's good.
I love you guys and I hope you have a great week!
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