This week was awesome! It was so full of adventures, spiritual experiences and answered prayers.

This week we received an answer to a prayer that we had been asking for awhile now. We have an investigator named Daniel who is from the Dominican Republic. He came here just to visit but then decided to stay and has been living here for a few months now. He lives in an empty apartment and has been sleeping on the cement floor. When my companion and I found out about his living circumstances we decided we were going to find him a mattress to sleep on. We didn't know how and we didn't know where, but we were going to find one. So we started praying and looking and asking around everywhere we went for a mattress for Daniel. After several weeks we received an answer. As we were in the house of a less active we are teaching named Ana Karen, I noticed a mattress leaning up against the wall outside of her bedroom.

I never imagined she would be thinking about giving it away but thought, "Well, I'll just ask in case." When I asked to my surprise she said she was just planning on throwing it away since they don't use it anymore. She agreed to let us take it and give it to our investigator. So we called a taxi and strapped it to the top and off we went. Hermano Daniel was so excited to receive his mattress and my companion and I were both so grateful for our answered prayer.
The mountain group are coming along great, we are currently working with a few couples we are teaching to get married so that they can be baptized in these next coming weeks.
I sure love you all and I hope you have a great week. Thanks for all your love and support! Love Hermana Peine
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