How is it June already...I'm not sure! May went by way too fast, but that's o.k. We're still happy and that's what matters.:)
This week was so great and also full of adventures. On Thursday my companion and I had quite the event! We had just finished eating lunch and were headed to our next appointment when it started pouring outside. We had umbrellas with us so we opened them up when suddenly the wind started and a Mary Poppins event almost happened where we went flying with our umbrellas. So we closed the umbrellas and took off running to the member's house where we had our appointment at.

As we finally arrived at the house relieved to find shelter from the storm, dear Hermana Karina, the sister who lives there, had news for us. Apparently her husband had left for work in the morning and locked the front door like usual. However her copy of keys which stay with her in the house were no where to be found. Her front door is made up of 2 doors, one regular door and the other is a protection of bars that they use to lock. So Hermana Karina opened up the regular door as she talked to us through behind the bars. She was locked in and we were locked out. So we stood there outside her house talking to her as the rain pelted our backs. We decided we would go and try and find the combi so that we could go to our next lesson. Hermana Karina brought us a long yellow plastic rain coat to use to keep us from getting drenched. However, there was only 1 rain coat and 2 of us! So we decided we would both get in it.:) Hermana Karina helped us through the bars as we struggled to get it on. We each put an arm in and the other arm around each others waist and there we were, glued together, but successfully in the rain coat. We pulled the hood on to finish it off and off we went. I am about 2 feet taller than my companion so sharing the hood was a little difficult but I hunched over and she stood on her tiptoes and we managed. We probably looked hilarious I'm sure but we both had a good time:).
The work here is going great! This week we have been working with a less active couple who were called as ward missionaries to do visits with us. They are so great, they've started coming back to church, giving us references and going on several visits throughout the week. They also accompanied us yesterday with the mountain group along with their son Daniel who is also less active.
It was a great experience and we all learned a lot! After the visits we talked to hermano Daniel, their son, and asked him what his opinion on serving a mission was. Before he was against it and didn't want to go but he told us he had a change of mind and was going to start his papers. We were so excited and very proud of him.
This week was amazing and we were able to witness many miracles. I couldn't be happier to be here and know without a doubt in my mind that this is the Lord's work and he has a perfect plan for each one of us, his children, here on the earth. Love, Hermana Peine
Tomorrow night's dinner