This week was awesome. Hermana Canul and I survived 3 natural disasters, the first of which I caused in the microwave. On our trip to Wal-mart last week we decided to buy pop tarts because my companion has never tried them. When it came time to prepare them I quickly glanced at the box and read "heat in microwave for 3 minutes." So I put them in and returned to my desk to study. After about a minute and a half I looked up to see smoke seeping out of the microwave. I ran over to it and quickly turned it off. I took out the plate to see an exploded and very burnt pop tart. After cleaning up the mess I returned to look at the directions to see what I did wrong. As I re-read the instructions I realized it said to heat in microwave for 3 seconds not minutes...oops! After a lesson well learned the house continued to smell like burnt pop tart for the next few days.
The last natural disaster of the week was an earthquake. Two of them actually, one right after the other. They were both small but it was my first experience in an earthquake so I thought it was pretty awesome.
Other than surviving 3 natural disasters this week we were also able to see some amazing spiritual progress in some of our investigators. An investigator who had been in teaching with the missionaries for 3 months now prayed for the first time. Though it may seem like a small step the progress that came from it was amazing. I felt like a proud parent watching a child take their first step.
Hermana Canul and I will also have the opportunity this week to watch as two of Heavenly Father's children enter the waters of baptism this Saturday.
This Christmas I invite you all to give a gift that comes from the heart, whether it be service to someone in need, friendship to someone who is lost, or the gospel to someone searching for peace. By giving you will receive. I love you all, have a Merry Christmas:)
Love, Hermana Peine
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