This week was great! I had quite the surprise this week when I got proposed to... I found out this week that one of the people from the mountain group fell in love with me. I don't know how because I have only talked to him once. Anyways, he recorded a video for me telling me that he was in love with me and that he wanted to marry me. He told me several things saying that he loved me and wanted me to be his wife and that he was willing to wait for my answer. I saw his video and then yesterday on Sunday he confronted me in church and asked me what my answer was. I think it was one of the most uncomfortable moments of my life, because I am a missionary! We told him no and that as missionaries we are not here for that and we can't even talk or think about that right now. He seemed to be pretty sad but I think he will be o.k.
We had a great zone meeting with our mission president this week and went to the temple with our zone afterwards. It was an amazing experience. I love the temple so much and I am very grateful for every experience I have to go as a missionary!
The news this week is that we have transfers. I am being transferred to a new area. I don't know anything about it but I'm sure it's a great area. I will miss Chiapa de Corzo and my companion
very much but I'm excited to see what the Lord has in store for me. I love you all and I hope you have a great week!
Love, Hermana Paini
A new village we are teaching in
Note from Laurel (Mom):
Sadie had to fill out some essays and send them to me for colleges she is applying to in January. I was so impressed with what she wrote in one of the essays I wanted to put it on her blog. The question was, "What is one of the most difficult things you have ever done or experienced?" This was Sadie's answer. "One of the most difficult yet rewarding things I have ever done has been leaving my family, home, work, and schooling behind for 18 months of dedicated service to the Lord. Serving in the Tuxtla Gutierrez Mexico mission has given me the chance to experiment and learn from opposition. Various physical trials such as typhoid fever, salmonella poisoning, several bacterial infections, and an epidemic called Chikungunya have tried me more than I ever thought I was capable of withstanding. However, in the midst of my tirals I have been able to learn one of the greatest lessons I have ever been taught which is to put my complete trust in the will of the Lord. My experiences have served as life long lessons that I will forever treasure. One of the most valuable things I have learned is how to put my temporal needs and emotions such as hunger, tiredness and pain behind in order to dedicate all of my heart might and mind to serving others. I have learned that I can truly make a differnence in others lives. I have learned how to lead as well as to follow. I have learned to love perfect strangers and care for their progression. By changing the lives of those around me I have in turn changed my life as well. I know that I can be a force for good as I act instead of being acted upon. I now know that I can make a difference!"
I never even knew Sadie had chikungunya. She never mentioned it in her letters. Apparently it was a disease that caused lots of pain and a high fever. I wonder what else she has never told us?
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