Public Restrooms
This week was awesome! It really was such a great week:) I came across a few pretty interesting things here in Mexico this week (don't worry I took pictures.) With that being said, this week I had the opportunity to try something I had never dreamed of trying and that I would now never like to try again. Ok, ok, I will tell you about the experience. One day when we went to eat we were given something that looked a little interesting. But of course as missionaries we eat (and like) everything, so it wasn't a problem. When I first saw it I asked my companion what it was but she didn't want to tell me because she was afraid I wouldn't eat it if she did. So we blessed the food and then began eating. As I looked down at my bowl of soup with vegetables and mystery meat in it I decided I would start with the vegetables and work my way through. After taking the first bite I was sure I was going to die. The sister told us how she had put 4 chili's in it and hoped it wasn't too hot for us. After hearing that it all made sense, no wonder my throat was on fire, I had accidentally inhaled a spoonful of 4 chili's worth of picante! If you've ever had chili in your throat you probably understand this experience. For those of you who don't know, it feels a little bit like suffocating. But luckily this only happened to me 4 times throughout the meal:) After eating all the vegetables I decided to attempt the mystery meat. I put a piece in my mouth and bit down on it. It was very thick and nearly impossible to chew through. I spent about 10 minutes chewing on it until I finally decided that was good enough and swallowed hard. I quickly tried to wash it down by drinking a glass of water. The sister who had prepared the food for us must have noticed I was having such a hard time. She asked me if I would like her to take out the meat and replace it with more vegetables. I happily agreed and was then able to finish the meal. Afterwards I asked my companion what it was exactly. She explained to me it is a meal called Mondango, which is sheep stomach. Apparently it is fairly typical here and most people love it. This week Hermana Guerrero and I also had the wonderful opportunity to go to the temple. It was such a beautiful experience. I was able to do two sessions and felt the spirit so strongly. It reminded me of the importance of attending the temple. In a world full of chaos we can always find peace in the house of the Lord. I feel as though the temples are a little piece of Heaven here on the earth and am so grateful for them! Have a great week!
Love, Hermana Peine
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